Industrial Video Surveillance Systems

ASCI Security
Industrial Video Surveillance Systems

ASCI Security provides a complete package for all your industrial video surveillance needs, covering every step from planning & design to final implementation.

We safeguard your assets with cutting-edge technology & 22 years of expertise.

We specialize in delivering premium security & low voltage solutions tailored to businesses, industries & educational facilities. 

Scope of Services

Design & Installation

ASCI works with clients throughout the entire project lifecycle, from initial consultation and planning to system design, installation & equipment setup.

Concept & System Design

We collaborate with you to understand your specific security needs and vulnerabilities.

ASCI then designs a customized system based on your facility layout, budget, and desired level of coverage.

This likely involves selecting cameras, recording solutions, and network infrastructure.


Our trained technicians handle the physical installation of cameras, wiring, recording equipment, and other necessary components.

We ensure proper positioning and configuration for optimal performance.

Maintenance & Monitoring

ASCI offers ongoing maintenance services to keep your system functioning optimally.

We may also provide monitoring services, where trained professionals remotely observe footage and alert you to potential security incidents. 

Benefits of using ASCI Security's Industrial Video Surveillance Systems

Improve Employee Safety

Monitoring high-risk areas can help identify safety hazards and prevent accidents.

Reduce Insurance Costs

A well-implemented system may qualify for insurance discounts.

Professional Installation & Support

Enjoy the benefits of a well-designed and maintained system backed by expert support.


Systems can be designed to grow with your business needs.

Integrations Related to Industrial Video Surveillance Design & Installation Based

Industrial video surveillance systems can be integrated with various other systems to enhance their functionality and offer additional benefits.

Here's a breakdown of some key integrations

Access Control Systems

Trigger recordings based on access events

Cameras automatically record when doors are opened, access cards are swiped, or other access control events occur.

Grant access based on video verification

View live or recorded footage before granting access to restricted areas.

Sync access events with video footage

Easily correlate access events with corresponding video recordings for faster incident investigation.

Intruder Alarm Systems

Trigger alarms based on motion detection

Video analytics can automatically trigger alarms if suspicious activity is detected.

Verify alarms with video footage

Quickly assess the situation and dispatch responders with relevant visual information.

Link alarm zones to specific cameras

Focus on specific areas during alarm events for faster response.

Building Management Systems (BMS)

Monitor environmental conditions

Integrate with temperature sensors, smoke detectors, and other building management sensors to trigger recordings or alarms based on specific events.

Optimize resource allocation

Use video footage to analyze activity patterns and optimize energy usage or equipment operation.

Centralized monitoring and control

Manage both security and building systems from a single interface.

Analytics Software

Object detection and recognition

Identify specific objects or people of interest in recordings. License plate recognition: Read and track vehicle license plates automatically.

Heatmaps and activity analysis

Understand traffic patterns and identify areas of high activity for better resource allocation.

Benefits of Integrations

Increased security and efficiency

Streamline operations and respond to incidents faster with combined information.

Improved situational awareness

Gain a deeper understanding of events and activities across various systems.

Reduced costs

Eliminate redundant processes and optimize resource allocation.

Enhanced scalability and flexibility

Adapt your system to your evolving needs with new integrations.

Get a quote

Contact us for all your Security, Surveillance, Access Control, Fire Protection needs. The valuable investment in your business or institution deserves the safety and protection! We love to provide you with a turnkey project proposal from design to installation


  • Size and layout of the facility
  • Security needs and risk assessment
  • Lighting conditions
  • Budget
  • Local regulations and privacy laws
You can install it yourself if you have the technical expertise or hire a professional installer.
Depends on the size and complexity of the system. Simple systems can be installed in a day, while larger systems may take several days or weeks.